Sunday, June 16, 2013

Brown Box Formula Business Online | Can You Dropship Your Way ...

The brown box formula is a simple concept, affiliate yourself with distributors, wholesalers and other affiliate programs online and target specific your niche online. But can this actually lead to success online?


This is not a review of The Brown Box Formula from Ezra Firestone, let me repeat this again, this is NOT A REVIEW. This is simply some good information, I hope, about how this particular niche business online works and, how to take advantage of it.

So, now that we know this is not a review of that particular affiliate program, how does this work and, can you really find success with it? Hey, we all want to make money online, we just need to know how is all.

The brown box formula is in fact still affiliate marketing, no matter what you believe otherwise. Why some believe it is different is only semantics over customer information data, control of the sell itself and, ongoing relationship with the customer.

Since when was any of this different in the affiliate marketing world? Oh yeah, when the ?so-called? masters decided to promote everything all the time with no accountability, that?s when.

But, now that I have said my piece, here we go.

Recently mine and yours inbox has been barraged I am sure of the latest offering from a ton of affiliates about the Brown Box Formula from Ezra Firestone. And, while I usually bypass most of the hype out here, this one did stand out and, it seems to be the real deal minus the hype created by some of the more popular affiliates out there.

This is not a review however and, if you are interested in the training system?I do suggest it. So, on with the facts to build this thing!

There are many, many ideas for an online business out there, and there are many, many ways to fail at it too. I think one of the reasons we do fail is because we get overly excited, jump into the idea and all of a sudden, try to figure out how in the world to market it.

Without the basic fundamentals of marketing on your side, you will fail at the drop ship opportunity of affiliate marketing. And, before we get into that, just real briefly, what is the Brown Box Formula all about?

Simply put, this is an affiliate opportunity term or phrase with a focus on ?tangible? products people purchase every day online.

Getting niche specific is going to be the first step towards success with it. Most people that come to the internet try to find the most popular products that are trending, and because of this, they get overwhelmed and find little progress if any.

It is not just about finding the trending products, it?s about finding your passion here. Without the passion behind your brown box business, you will get bored, you will get indifferent, you will fail.

Brown Box Marketing Online?

Internet marketing is actually very simple and not as complex or techie as you may think. Here are some of the basics you will need to learn and apply to succeed here:

  • Basic SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) skills
  • Basic SEM
  • Keyword research
  • Website/Blog creation
  • Content creation
  • Link building
  • Video marketing
  • Social media marketing and engagement
  • Article & Press Releases
  • Permission email marketing
  • Lead generation

The list seems large, but it is something that can be learned in days or, weeks, given the time you have to take your online business serious. It is also a fact, that your business can be run successfully with only a few hours or more a week vested by you.

The other aspect is finding and locating wholesalers and business platforms from which to choose products to promote. There are many, many companies today with affiliate drop ship programs available.

Some of the best places to find (keywords) trending products or, products in general and directories are:

  • Google Trends
  • Amazon Marketplace
  • Ebay
  • World Wide Brands
  • Salehoo
  • Commission Junction
  • And, companies themselves?

From the Bass Pro Shop to Amazon and GNC, finding the right match and commission structure you want is actually the easiest part. The hardest part is actually follow through with your business online.

Authority creates trust, trust creates substance + relevance = trust, and trust is built on the currency of the internet which is, CONTENT.

The secret to success is as simple as the answer to a statement we know is true and, pretty common today: ?We live int he information age.?

So, if we live in the information age, what do you think it is going to take to market effectively here? That?s right, information, or, what we call it here online, quality content marketing.

No matter what we call the ?brown box formula,? or what we sell either tangible or intangible, you must know how to become not only visible online to succeed, but become that trusted authority on your niche as well. This is how to make a lasting business online.

The brown box formula business online is a great way I believe to find your affiliate ?drop ship? success route online. Just make sure that you know how to market here, create the reason to be trusted and?have a little fun with your passion.


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