Friday, August 31, 2012

Rare find: Feathered dinosaur feasts on flying food

Thursday, August 30, 2012

University of Alberta researchers found evidence that a feathered, but flightless dinosaur was able to snag and consume small flying dinosaurs.

The U of A paleontology team found the fossilized remains of three flying dinosaurs in the belly of a raptor-like predator called Sinocalliopteryx. Sinocalliopteryxwas about two meters in length and roughly the size of a modern-day wolf.

Sinocalliopteryx's flying meals were three Confuciusornis. Confuciusorniswas one of the earliest birds and had a crude version of a modern bird's skeleton and muscles. The researchers say such primitive birds were probably limited to slow take-offs and short flights.

According to the researchers, this is the first time a predator has been linked to the killing of multiple flying dinosaurs.

Scott Persons, a U of A paleontology student and research coauthor, says Sinocalliopteryx may have used stealth to stock the flyers. "Sinocalliopteryxdidn't have wings or the physical tools needed to be an adept tree climber," said Persons.

Persons explains Sinocalliopteryxhad feathers or hair-like fuzz covering its body creating a level of insulation that helped maintain a warm body temperature and high metabolism that required a lot of food to fuel.

"The fact that this Sinocalliopteryxhad, not one, but three undigested birds in its stomach indicate it was a voracious eater and a very active hunter," said Persons.

This find was made in China's Liaoning province, and U of A researchers analyzed stomach contents of a second Sinocalliopteryx fossil discovery from that area. The researchers identified this Sinocalliopteryx's last meal as a Sinornithosaurus, a small feathered meat-eater about the size of a house cat that may have been able to fly or glide short distances.

"Sinornithosaurus is a relative of Velociraptorwhich means this is the first direct evidence of a raptor becoming another predatory dinosaur's meal," said Persons.


University of Alberta:

Thanks to University of Alberta for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 42 time(s).


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3 Ways to Protect Your Online Reputation | Small Business Local ...

When it comes to business marketing, one of the most important things to consider is your online reputation. Remember that 90 percent of all consumers search the Internet to look for products and services; therefore, what those consumers find online about your business will determine whether or not they choose you over the competitors. There are so many forums in which both happy and disgruntled customers can air their emotions about your business ? including social networking sites, review sites, and blogs, among others ? and it is your responsibility to manage what is being said about your business.

How do you do that? Here are three ways to protect your online reputation:

Good business practices. Think of it this way: when you are doing things the ?right? way, and acting as an upstanding business entity, it will be harder for people to say bad things about you online. Stock your website with relevant and useful content, participate in social forums in a positive and progressive way, and exhibit good customer service practices in order to stay on peoples? good sides.

Respond to negative reviews. Of course, you can?t please everyone. It is inevitable that you will eventually face a bad review or two (or more). Rather than dwell on the negatives, it is best that you learn how to respond appropriately, so that you can actually turn a bad review into a positive testament of your business practices. (Yes, it IS possible.) First of all, don?t ever ignore negative reviews; doing that is as bad as agreeing with what is being said. When you do respond, keep all emotion out of it; instead, console the customer on having had a bad experience and offer a viable solution. For example, if a customer posts a review complaining about the service in your salon, offer a coupon and ask the customer to come back in and see you personally, for a better experience.

Monitor your online reputation. While you can?t remove things like bad reviews and negative social media gossip circulating about your business, you can take steps to counter negative occurrences as soon as they happen (and before they get out of hand). Make use of monitoring tools like Hootsuite, Google Alerts, and Socialmention to identify trends in what people are saying about your business online, and then develop strategies to diffuse any negativity that springs up around your business name.


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GOP's final night is about telling Romney's story

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) ? When Mitt Romney addresses the Republican convention Thursday night, he'll do it from a stage that puts him a little bit closer to the crowd inside the convention hall. His campaign hopes the evening ends with Americans feeling a little bit closer to the Republican presidential candidate, too.

On this night, they are telling Romney's story.

The entire evening ? from the physical staging to the speakers' program to the planned whole-family entrance after Romney's big speech ? is aimed at introducing the sometimes stiff and distant politician as a businessman, Olympic savior and deeply religious family man. His pitch to his party, as well as to the many undecided voters who are disappointed in the country's direction, will be that he's the candidate better able to shoulder the country's economic burdens.

"It will be my privilege to stand at the podium to accept the nomination," Romney wrote in an email to supporters Thursday morning. "And I will stand not just for every supporter, and not just for the Republican Party ? I'll stand for every American who believes our best days are ahead."

Romney's speech is the centerpiece of the evening, and will touch on themes that are both personal and political. He'll tell stories, aides say, that haven't been part of his campaign trail pitch. He'll discuss his Mormon faith, particularly his time helping struggling families when he served as a church leader in Boston. He'll also present what advisers described as a "clear vision" of a Romney presidency.

"I commit to you that I will be the president this moment demands," Romney wrote.

To prepare for the big night, Romney has spent months making meticulous notes about his experiences campaigning. He's read numerous previous convention speeches and talked to a number of close friends and confidants about how to approach his address. He and his wife, Ann, spent part of last weekend rehearsing their speeches in an auditorium at Brewster Academy in Wolfeboro, N.H., near the family's lakeside summer home.

When the big moment comes, he'll be standing in the Tampa Bay Times Forum on a stage that organizers rebuilt overnight. They replaced what had been a standard stage at the front of the hall with a section that pushes the podium toward the center of the floor, so Romney will physically stand among the crowd as he speaks.

"It brings him a little bit closer," campaign manager Matt Rhoades said of the new arrangement.

Before Romney speaks, a parade of people from his past will take to the podium to walk through different phases of his life: his time running the private equity firm Bain Capital, his years running the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and his experiences as governor of Massachusetts. Referred to inside the campaign as "character witnesses," the speeches are designed to showcase the man who friends say inspires fierce loyalty. Much of the list was drawn up by Romney's son Tagg, who found acquaintances from their Mormon church in Massachusetts to talk about how his father helped them get by.

Among those set to address the crowd are Bob White, a longtime friend and colleague from Bain Capital, and Tom Stemberg, the founder of Staples, the office supply store; Olympic speed skater Derek Parra and hockey player Mike Eruzione; and former Massachusetts Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, who is still a closer adviser.

Shortly before 10 p.m. Eastern time, organizers will run a film showcasing Romney's life. A handful of young video staffers have spent weeks working 16-hour days inside a suite at the Marriott hotel where Romney is now staying, editing the piece through the wee hours of the morning.

Then, it will be Romney's turn. When the speech is over, he'll walk back up the stage to where his entire family ? wife, five sons and their wives, and 15 of his 18 grandchildren ? will be waiting. Thousands of balloons nestled in netting high above the convention floor will drop, carefully positioned so that none fall on the family.

It will create the image his campaign is looking for. At that Marriott hotel the morning of the speech, Rhoades saw a copy of Thursday's Tampa Bay Times, where, on the front page, running mate Paul Ryan and his family are pictured waving after his Wednesday night address, the vice presidential nominee's arm wrapped around the waist of his wife, Janna.

Rhoades pointed at the photo.

"We need that," he said.


Associated Press writers Steve Peoples and Julie Mazziotta contributed to this report.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Culture and the Dead and Dying ? Invisible Ink

The City of the Dead, Osseti, Russia

Life and death are the only two real facts in our world. You were born, and you will die. The same can be said for your characters, unless they?re immortal (but even then, immortality usually implies they won?t die of old age or disease, and nothing about being killed). My culture views death negatively; we don?t even like to say the word. We call it ?buying the farm? or ?biting the dust? and when someone dies, we have elaborate rituals to honor the passing and give solace to the still living. Not all cultures treat death this way though, and I remember the first time I realized this. I was reading a short story several years ago that detailed an old Eskimo grandmother walking out into a snowstorm one afternoon. The family did not react, but they all knew where she was going, and the story, written from the perspective of a young girl, revealed that the grandmother had known it was her time, and had gone out to embrace the passing as was their tradition. It wasn?t sad, it was just a fact of life.

I?m at a point in my novel that I?m looking at the death of a semi-main character. Her name is Nellana, and she is the High Priestess of the mainstream religious order in the northern lands. She?s also my protagonist?s grandmother and a much-loved woman. She leaves her home in the heat of spring to help in the south where an epidemic is spreading and within days of arriving is captured by native officials, who do not view her kindly. Eventually she is burned at the stake as a witch, something that is viewed as not only hostile but also heinous by Nellana?s own people.

Nellana?s family will have nothing left of her physical body when the flames burn down, but there are still rituals to be performed. But what they are I cannot say because I have not taken the time to decide what kind of death rites honorable priestesses might receive. I also haven?t given any thought to how her body being so desecrated might change their usual ceremonies. Thus, let?s look at some different beliefs and traditions related to the dead.


What are some of the different death and burial rites?

  • In the Tana Toraja region of Indonesia, burial ceremonies are large and costly events. Most families don?t have the money immediately ready for the ceremony, so it is acceptable for them to keep the newly deceased in their home while they save up, which can take anywhere from a few days to years. The dead are treated like sick elders, included in daily activates and conversations.
  • The Sokushinbutsu Buddhist monks have an interesting take on death that?s called self-mummification. The process is started several years before the planned death with a strict regiment designed to eliminate body fat and fluids. The first step consists of rigorous physical activity and eating only nuts and fruits. The second step includes bouts of vomiting and drinking a poisonous tea to prevent insects from taking up residence. When the monk is deemed ready, he then enters a stone tomb to sit in the lotus position and wait for death. Each day, he rings a bell to let his fellow monks know he is still alive. When the day comes that there is no bell, the monks seal the tomb for 1,000 days, before re-opening it to confirm the mummification.
  • Santhara is the Indian rite of fasting to death, and usually takes around 13 days. This rite is usually begun when a person feels their life has run its course and they are no longer needed, so it?s generally frowned upon as a form of suicide.
  • A tower of silence

    Zoroastrians believe burying or burning the dead will pollute the earth and fire elements, so instead they take their dead to a raised structure generically referred to as the Tower of Silence. This practice only exists in the Indian subcontinent now, as the dwindling number of vultures in India makes the process more gruesome and drawn out.

  • In the isolated Gizel Valley in Northern Ossetia, Russia, in the early 18th century, a plague swept through the land. There were so many sick that the clans built quarantine houses for them, where they were provided food and water, but kept under lock and key. Inside these slanted-roof huts are the mummified bodies of those who did not survive, dressed in their Sunday best with their hair neatly done.
  • All across northern Europe you can find murky bogs that claimed the lives of hundreds of travelers. But some people were buried there on purpose. The chemical makeup of the bogs actually preserves human flesh rather well, making this another form of mummification.

How are they remembered when they?re gone?

  • An America-based company called LifeGem now offers grieving family members the option to wear their lost ones in the form of a diamond ring. The diamond is synthesized from the carbon of the body or cremated remains. You can also memorialize your pets this way.
  • The Terracota Army

    The First Emperor of China was buried with all his treasures in a tomb with pearl-laden ceilings to represent the cosmos, and channels dug into the ground with flowing mercury to represent the rivers of China. The most fascinating part of the tomb however, are the 8,000 individual life-like and life-size statues of soldiers popularly known as the Terracota Army. Local farmers in Xi?an discovered the vast underground tomb in 1974 while they were drilling for water.

  • The Capuchin monks in Palermo, Italy mummified the bodies of the dead, dressed them in everyday clothes and put them on display, hanging them on the monastery walls. Apparently it was quiet the status symbol to end up on the wall, because important citizens would leave instructions to have their clothes changed on a regular basis to keep up with the latest fashion. This practice lasted up into the late 1800?s, and when the last mummy was placed on the wall there were at least 8,000.
  • The Malagasy from Madagascar actually take their dead from their tombs every seven years to dance with them in a ritual called Famadihana. It is considered a family reunion.
  • In some Chinese regions, death is like a rite of passage and a man?s honor and prestige are linked directly with the number of people who attend his funeral. So living family members would invite strippers to swell the numbers.
  • The Vikings sent their warriors out to sea in great long ships, placing things like weapons and treasure around them. ?Once loaded down, the long ships were sunk in a harbor or burned on the water?this one being the source of the fabled Viking funeral pyre.

What are some of the different common understandings of death?

  • In the Victorian era, all the clocks in the room where a person died would be stopped to prevent bad luck.
  • The Victorians also photographed their dead because it was usually too expensive to document one?s life in photographs.
  • Aboriginal people will not show a deceased person?s image or use his/her name, for fear that either might invoke the spirit to come back.
  • Many Native American tribes believe that the spirit never dies, and so when the physical body no longer lives, they associate the spirit with an animal or a plant.
  • The ancient Chinese buried their leaders in suits made of jade.
  • Some cultures leave their dead out in the wild to be consumed by other animals. In Tibet, this is called a ?sky death? and it is believed that those who are eaten by dogs will be better off in the next life.
  • In some African tribes, it?s a common practice to tie the mouth shut for fear of the spirit escaping, and/or to prevent hovering evil spirits from entering the body.

Top 5 Weirdest

  • A cryonic container

    Cryonics is the practice of freezing the body, and right now is only legal when done on a personal pronounced clinically dead. Shortly after death, the body is stored in liquid nitrogen to prevent decay and then frozen. The idea is that someday science will find a way to reverse death.

  • Plastination is a relatively controversial preservation method developed by German scientist Gunther von Hagens. The process involves dissecting the body into smaller parts, embalming it with a hardening fluid and then reposing the body parts into an educational pose.
  • You can now have your ashes launched into space to permanently orbit around the earth, like Gene Roddenberry?s were. Although, there are still flaws with this burial method. The orbit of the capsule containing Roddenberry?s remains and those of 22 others deteriorated just five years being launched and disintegrated in the atmosphere.
  • A Swedish company called Promessa offers the option of completely breaking down the body and burying it in a cornstarch urn, making for a completely bio-degradable burial.
  • Soap people?yes, soap people. Some actually turn into soap when they die, usually because of large deposits of fat during the time of death.

These are just a few of the death customs I found while researching, and I?m curious if anyone is aware of any others we can add to the list.


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Israeli victims' kin visit site of Bulgaria bomb

BURGAS, Bulgaria (AP) ? Relatives of five Israeli tourists killed in a bombing in Bulgaria visited the scene of the attack, laying down flowers and lighting candles Wednesday in memory of their loved ones.

The mourners walked through the bus parking lot of the Burgas airport to the spot where on July 18 a still-unidentified suicide bomber detonated his explosives, killing the Israelis and a Bulgarian bus driver.

"I lit a big candle and a small one, too," said Itzhak Shriki, an engineer whose pregnant wife, Kochava, was killed. "The big one is for my wife, while the small is in memory of the unborn child."

Shriki was few steps away from his wife when the bomb ripped through a bus packed with tourists. "It hurts a lot when I try to recall what happened, and it is difficult to go on," he said.

Israel has blamed the attack on Iran and the militant group Hezbollah, but Bulgarian officials have declined to back up that allegation.

On Tuesday, the victims' families attended a ceremony in Bulgaria's biggest synagogue, where they were joined by Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev and Israeli Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon.

In his speech at the Sofia synagogue, Yaalon promised justice for the dead and wounded. "We will pursue (the perpetrators) with all the strength we have and we will not give up until we get even with them," he said.


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Our Legal Digital Identity

I have to admit, this scares me more than medical identity theft. Why? Because doctors are trained to "do no harm" whenever they are working with their patients - this is absolutely not true of law enforcement. And they are the ones who make decisions based on our legal digital identity.

I'll be honest, over the past few of years I've grown increasingly concerned about our Federal and local law enforcement agencies. Not because they operate outside the law, or anything like that; rather because the law has become more and more lenient toward police taking matters into their own hands with ever-increasingly aggressive action against innocent civilians.

But regardless of your position concerning the possibility that the United States is coming under some sort of martial law, it is vital that you understand that the information law enforcement uses to find us and make decisions about how to deal with us is information that is almost 100% beyond our ability to correct if it is inaccurate.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Montreal police arrest 11 after university clash

MONTREAL (Reuters) - Police arrested 11 people on the Montreal campus of Canada's largest French-language university on Tuesday as protesters opposed to the resumption of classes after last spring's province-wide student boycott clashed with guards inside a classroom building.

Ten people were charged with assault and assault on a police officer after fighting broke out at the University of Montreal campus on Tuesday morning, Agent Danny Richer of the Montreal Police Service said. One protester was released without charge.

Protesters have attempted to disrupt classes at the University of Montreal and the University of Quebec at Montreal since classes resumed on Monday.

A student strike over tuition fee increases had interrupted the spring semester at many Quebec universities and colleges.

In response to the boycott, which spawned massive street protests throughout Quebec, the province's Liberal government passed a bill forcing a reopening of university classes and imposing stiff fines on those who block access to classrooms.

The law requires advance notice of demonstrations involving more than 50 people. The legislation has been criticized by opposition politicians as a curb on civil rights.

The charges faced by those arrested on Tuesday are not related to the special bill, police said.

Student associations behind this week's protests say their strike has not ended and that classes should not resume.

The university issued a statement Tuesday afternoon saying it had suspended classes in some departments until further notice because of the rising tensions.

A university spokesman, Mathieu Filion, said only a minority of students were still boycotting classes and that 90 percent of students were back in school. The school suspended classes only in those departments where students have vowed to continue the boycott, the spokesman said.

The student strike and Premier Jacques Charest's response to it have emerged as an issue in an election called for September 4 in the mostly French speaking province.

A CROP survey for La Presse newspaper, released on Tuesday, puts the separatist Parti Quebecois in first place among voters with support of 33 percent of those surveyed. The newly created Coalition for the Future of Quebec was second with 28 percent, while the governing Liberals were trailing at 26 percent.

(Reporting By Rita Devlin Marier; Editing by Frank McGurty)


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Robot drivers learn to react like startled critters

9 hrs.

Robot drivers of the future may steer clear of potholes, toppled power lines and stray cats thanks to an artificial neural network modeled after the fear-response mechanism in mammals.

The system, called STARTLE, uses existing hardware and sensors to scan the environment for threats. If one is detected, it will cue other systems to deal with it swiftly.

The system is programmed to kick into gear when it notices something abnormal. That could be a pothole, which it focuses resources to steer around, or?a child running out into the street after a soccer ball, prompting it to hit the brakes.

New Scientist has the details:

The design mimics the amygdala, which provides a rapid response to threats. The amygdala helps small animals to deal with complex, fast-changing surroundings, allowing them to ignore most sensory stimuli.

STARTLE was developed Roke Manor Research, a Hampshire, England, based research and development firm that boasts a ?diverse portfolio of products protecting military people and platforms against a constantly changing threat.?

With that kind of background, we can expect to see STARTLE outfitted on tanks and Humvees, but this type of technology will almost certainly find a home in the robot cars destined to soon clog our roadways.?

In fact, similar safety mechanisms are under development at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where robotic co-pilots take over the wheel when it senses a driver is about to crash.

?? via New Scientist?

John Roach is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. To learn more about him, check out his website. For more of our Future of Technology series, watch the featured video below.


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Use Some Of These Beneficial Tips When Improving Your Home ...

Instead of adding on to your home, consider new ways of using the space that already exists. By removing a wall or changing the way that you use a particular room, you can maximize the space you already have without adding square footage to your home that will need lighting, heating, and cooling.

Decals are a great facelift for boring furniture and appliances; getting them off is a different story. If you?re out of ideas on how to remove old decals from surfaces the following tip is sure to help. Spray the decals you wish to remove with WD-40 spray. Try to lift the edges to get the liquid underneath. Let it sit in the solution for a minute or two and then gently scrape the decal with an old credit card or a plastic knife.

Before buying any materials for a home improvement job, you should go online and comparison shop at the local home improvement store websites. This is a great way for you to be certain that you are getting the materials at the best price that you can rather than overpaying and wasting your money.

Avoid hiring an architect for minor home improvements and small renovations. Check your local building codes; in most areas architects are unnecessary for jobs below a certain size. Working with a competent contractor on these small-scale projects makes an architect unnecessary. When an architect is unnecessary and not required by local ordinances, save yourself some money by working without one.

When you set up your vanity lights in your bathroom, pay close attention to the shadows they cast. You don?t want to have your vanity lights set up in such a way that it is difficult to see what you are doing or in such a way that you appear to be veiled in shadows when you look in the mirror. Your vanity lights should be positioned in a way that provides a clear, usable working light.

Try replacing the house numbers outside your house for some easy home improvement. If the house numbers on your house are old, buy some new ones. Try looking for modern house numbers made of stainless steel, aluminum, or brass. Match them with the finish on your exterior light fixtures for better curb appeal.

Before you begin your next home improvement project, think about how long you would like to stay in your home. If you are planning to move this year, you may have a different budget for improvements than if you were staying for awhile. You would also want to focus on areas in the home, like the kitchen and bathrooms, that buyers think are most important.

Drain your hot water heater every six months. A well maintained hot water heater will last longer and run more efficiently too. This project is as simple as locating the drain valve, attaching a hose, and turning the valve in the same way you would turn a spicket.

Painting the interior walls of your home can be a great way to freshen up your decor. Painting is inexpensive and allows for much creativity, based on your color choices. It?s also easy to change, should you decide to go in a different direction. To add a quick and effective punch to any room just grab a can of paint and go!

When doing home improvements for the sole purpose of increasing the value of the home for resale, do some research and find out how to spend the least amount of money for the most increase in value. Basically it is not worth the stress and effort to do a bunch of home improvements if you end up not increasing the value of the home.

As has been noted above, home improvement means different things to different people. Sometimes, all that is needed to help us cement our ideals and to put in place a plan of attack is a tip or two. This article provides those tips. It will help you to overcome that feeling of being overwhelmed and get you started in accomplishing real goals.

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Taking Pictures with the Samsung Galaxy Nexus Smart Phone ...

Technology is in its advanced phase and has provided the best device a human can have in their hand ? a smart phone which has made a sea change in communication that fulfill every single need of a user. As a matter of fact, in the recent past, technology has engulfed every aspect of human activities ranging from basics to leisure ones. Communication gadgets are one of the most advanced technologies in the world.

Necessity is leading to invention of various kinds of operating platforms for smart phones and mobile phones. Though there are many platforms available, Android has achieved a good response from users and stands atop in the list of mobile operating platforms. Availability of android phone accessories further eased the operation of the smart phone in the way we communicate with each other.

Let?s talk about those photography freaks, who feel that they cannot do without a good camera that will give beautiful thrilling pictures to fulfill their desires. Application market for android platform has increased tremendously and now offers camera and picture applications that helps the user capture beautiful moments in day to day life. As there are many applications available, it is important to choose the best that fits to the physical presence of camera on the smart phone.

Firstly on the list, the HDR Camera+ is a camera replacement app that will rhyme superbly with your Android smart phone. You will have the best application that will click pictures which resemble the pictures taken by a professional using a bigger camera. The application has all the important features that you have been looking out. Create those beautiful pictures which you always wanted to click it by changing the settings and the number of options presented the application. The best feature of the application is the image stabilizer. It also allows super picture editing that will suit your taste.

360 panorama is another application that can be look forward to that can be installed on a smart phone that runs on android. Pretty good images is not the best you can have with a smart phone, look for a masterpiece snap!. 360 Panorama is the basic tool you need for a great experience. Stereographic projection is created by the application that enhances the quality of the picture. With its advanced features you can comfortably edit your photos and crop them as you desire. Making use of this application is as fun as using Android accessories with your device.

Third on line is the Paper Camera app. It is always good to have the best application installed on your smart phone that brings out images according to your taste. After all, you want amazing scenery and not just a plain photo with your smart phone. Installing the application is advantageous and they will no longer feel that you just have a normal smart phone. This camera app will allow you to edit your pictures adding the art effect that you desire. You can also organize your photos into a super library that will give you a wonderful view.

Owning a smart phone is not an end by itself. Having the best smart phone is what matters which allows you to do all those things just the way you want it to perform. With the above facts on the ground, it becomes imperative for individuals to own the best among the best smart phones and equip it with ultimate maximum applications that will meet all your needs. A different camera and picture taking applications available, it only takes a few amounts of money to install it on your phone. To increase you overall experience, you can use Android mobile accessories. Cell phone accessories for Google Nexus and protective accessories for Galaxy Nexus such as Stylish Galaxy Nexus covers will help preserve the existence of your smart phone.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Apple Decides to Limit Its One-to-One Service to Safari Users Only [Apple]

Gizmodo reader Paula E. B. wrote in with a screenshot, telling us that when she tried to renew with Apple's One-to-One customer bootcamp/training program, a notice popped up saying that One-to-One is now only supported by Safari—Apple's own web browser.
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Planning ahead: Consumers prefer fewer options when thinking about the future

ScienceDaily (Aug. 27, 2012) ? Consumers generally prefer having more options when choosing among products but not when making choices involving the distant future, according to a study from Washington University in St. Louis.

"The lure of assortment may not be as universal as previously thought. Consumers' preferences for large assortments can decrease due to a key psychological factor -- psychological distance," write authors Joseph K. Goodman, PhD, and Selin A. Malkoc, PhD, both assistant professors of marketing at Olin Business School.

Retailers have known for decades that consumers prefer large selections and are lured by more options and greater variety. For example, when planning a family outing to an ice cream shop this coming weekend, a consumer would most likely choose the local shop offering 33 flavors over another in the neighborhood offering fewer options.

How universal is this demand for more choice? Are there instances when smaller selections are acceptable or even desirable? The authors find that consumer preference for larger selections decreased for psychologically distant decisions, such as when consumers have to make decisions that are six months away or while on vacation across the country.

They show this change in preference for an array of products and services, namely restaurants, ice cream shops, chocolatiers, home appliances and vacation packages.

"Psychological distance is common concern when consumers are making decisions related to the future such as a vacation, insurance or retirement planning," Malkoc says.

"In such instances, consumers tend to focus on the end goal and less about how to get there and this leads to predictable changes in consumer behavior," she says.

"I'm constantly amazed by the massive amount of choice we have in the marketplace, and it just keeps expanding, making it even more difficult for consumers to make a choice," Goodman says. "I'm very excited about finding instances when consumers might not want so much choice, and can thus avoid some of the difficulty of choosing."

When planning a vacation that is months away, a consumer would probably prefer to hear about fewer dining options in the city they will be visiting than if their vacation was coming up in less than a week.

"In product categories where psychological distance is automatically evoked, it might not be necessary for retailers to offer a large and overwhelming number of options," the authors conclude. "Consumers may even be attracted to those sellers offering a smaller and simpler assortment of options."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Washington University in St. Louis. The original article was written by Neil Schoenherr.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Joseph K. Goodman and Selin A. Malkoc. Choosing Here and Now versus There and Later: The Moderating Role of Psychological Distance on Assortment Size Preferences. Journal of Consumer Research, 2012 (in press) DOI: 10.1086/665047

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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New model of muscular dystrophy provides insight into disease development

New model of muscular dystrophy provides insight into disease development [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Aug-2012
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Contact: Jillian Hurst
Journal of Clinical Investigation

Muscular dystrophy is a complicated set of genetic diseases in which genetic mutations affect the various proteins that contribute to a complex that is required for a structural bridge between muscle cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM) that provides the physical and chemical environment required for their development and function. The affects of these genetic mutations in patients vary widely, even when the same gene is affected. In order to develop treatments for this disease, it is important to have an animal model that accurately reflects the course of the disease in humans. In this issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation, researchers at the University of Iowa report the development of a mouse model of Fukuyama's muscular dystrophy that copies the pathology seen in the human form of the disease.

By removing the gene fukutin from mouse embryos at various points during development, researchers led by Kevin Campbell were able to determine that fukutin disrupts important modifications of dystrophin that prevent the muscle cells from attaching to the ECM. Disruption of the gene earlier in development led to a more severe form of the disease, suggesting that fukutin is important for muscle maturation. Disruptions in later stages of development caused a less severe form of the disease. In a companion piece, Elizabeth McNally of the University of Chicago discusses the implications of this disease model for the development of new therapies to treat muscular dystrophy.



Mouse fukutin deletion impairs dystroglycan processing and recapitulates muscular dystrophy


Kevin Campbell

University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA

Phone: 319-335-8655; Fax: 319-335-6957; E-mail:



The attachment disorders of muscle: failure to carb-load


Elizabeth McNally

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA

Phone: 773 702 2672; Fax: 773 702 2681; E-mail:

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

New model of muscular dystrophy provides insight into disease development [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Aug-2012
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: Jillian Hurst
Journal of Clinical Investigation

Muscular dystrophy is a complicated set of genetic diseases in which genetic mutations affect the various proteins that contribute to a complex that is required for a structural bridge between muscle cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM) that provides the physical and chemical environment required for their development and function. The affects of these genetic mutations in patients vary widely, even when the same gene is affected. In order to develop treatments for this disease, it is important to have an animal model that accurately reflects the course of the disease in humans. In this issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation, researchers at the University of Iowa report the development of a mouse model of Fukuyama's muscular dystrophy that copies the pathology seen in the human form of the disease.

By removing the gene fukutin from mouse embryos at various points during development, researchers led by Kevin Campbell were able to determine that fukutin disrupts important modifications of dystrophin that prevent the muscle cells from attaching to the ECM. Disruption of the gene earlier in development led to a more severe form of the disease, suggesting that fukutin is important for muscle maturation. Disruptions in later stages of development caused a less severe form of the disease. In a companion piece, Elizabeth McNally of the University of Chicago discusses the implications of this disease model for the development of new therapies to treat muscular dystrophy.



Mouse fukutin deletion impairs dystroglycan processing and recapitulates muscular dystrophy


Kevin Campbell

University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA

Phone: 319-335-8655; Fax: 319-335-6957; E-mail:



The attachment disorders of muscle: failure to carb-load


Elizabeth McNally

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA

Phone: 773 702 2672; Fax: 773 702 2681; E-mail:

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

A View From Water

Cruise is passenger ships for fun and excitement, transportation is not the main purpose. They are organized like hotels as it will float, they also have a competitive staff and experienced captain as well. Dining is included in the price of cruise, some time back they set up a rule that there will be two dining times but now a days people are given choices and they can din-in whenever they want to. There are traditional ways of serving food, with different menus according to the clients requirement. They also offer nightclubs and bars to energize your body and so that you feel all the excitement. They hire crew for like 11 months on contractual basis, they are assigned cabins. The main region for cruising is in North America, and also dhow is very famous.
Cruising shows the touch of romance, its the best place for a couple to start their new life. Everyone is well aware of Titanic and its story of incident. The person who has saw that movie can understand the true love and all the feeling when he or she in real life visits a cruise. There is nothing fake or imposed.\, its crystal clear like water. Security measures are taken and the vehicle is fully checked and verified for floating. When you arrive at the cruise you feel like flying, as it gives you a royal touch. There are many companies, who are trying for innovations so to attract more people. This is an ideal place for impressing your loved one. Its not only that you go with your partner; family gatherings are also held which makes you reunite for long time. To practice thrilling activities with your family makes your bonding strong.
P&O cruises will celebrate their 175th anniversary, in which all the seven ships were together. This event will be organized on 3rd of July. Dubai is a dinner place where no one can forget its amazing taste, the visitors get the chance of seeing the beauty of this city. You must have experienced cruise dinners before but what makes dhow cruise dinner in Dubai is that it redefines your taste. There are rich dinner halls, which take you in the world of kings. There are multiple activities like sports, apart from sports there are also other attractions that will fascinate your thoughts. The cooling breeze makes the night more memorable and amazing. Our tour company provides you all the comfort that is required by you, so that makes your journey striking. The food that is served to the guests is prepared by their expert chefs. Other than Arabian food you can also order international cuisine which is just a lip-smacking experience for you. The background music soothes your ear and makes your mood more happy and relaxed. You can also order wines along with the complimentary drinks that are served during the voyage. This is one in a life time chance so its your right to feel all the magic and excitement.


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Republican National Convention through the years (cbsnews)

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Body of Japanese reporter killed in Syria flown home

The body of a veteran Japanese war reporter killed while covering the anti-regime movement in Syria's second city was flown home on Saturday.

Mika Yamamoto apparently came under fire Monday from pro-government troops in Aleppo, which has borne the brunt of the conflict since fighting erupted there last month, according to her long-time colleague Kazutaka Sato.

"I am sorry to say that I cannot find words about the fact that I have her come back this way," an emotional Sato told a news conference at Tokyo's Narita airport.

"I think she has really worked hard. You have really worked hard. That's what I want to tell her now" added Sato, her colleague from the small but respected Japan Press.

Yamamoto, 45, is the fourth foreign journalist to have been killed in Syria since March 2011 and the first to have died in Aleppo. She had covered several armed conflicts, including those in Afghanistan and Iraq with Sato.

Yamamoto was a known face on Japanese television, who came to prominence after surviving a US tank shelling on the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad in 2003 in which two journalists, one from Reuters and one from a Spanish broadcaster, were killed.

Her body was flown from Istanbul aboard a Turkish Airlines plane, accompanied by Sato and two of Yamamoto's sisters.

A dozen of the plane's crew and airport workers offered a silent prayer after the coffin carrying her body was lowered on to the tarmac.

Her body was to be carried to her home in Tokyo and autopsied by police to determine whether she was deliberately targeted, media reports said.

"I want to come close to the truth about how she died," said Sato. "She was tender and had a strong sense of justice. She was straight and hot blooded."


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Lance Armstrong takes part in bike race amid controversy

ASPEN, Colo. (AP) ? For a few hours, Lance Armstrong was back in his element ? on a bike and in a race.

No controversies, little fanfare.

The escape Saturday into the mountains around Aspen, Colo., comes a day after the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency disciplined Armstrong with a lifetime ban from professional cycling and vacated his seven Tour de France titles after deciding he used performance-enhancing drugs.

There were only a handful of fans at the start of the Power of Four mountain bike competition, a 36-mile trek that includes plenty of climbing.

Asked if he was ready, Armstrong smiled and said, "I hope so. ... This is going to be hard for all of us."

Decked out in black and gold and sporting a Livestrong emblem on his jersey, Armstrong tinkered with his bike and gave a kiss to girlfriend Anna Hansen before pedaling off.

His busy weekend includes a marathon Sunday. He may be banned from cycling, but it hasn't diminished his passion for competition.

These weekend races may have to suffice.

Armstrong, who retired a year ago and turns 41 next month, said Thursday he would no longer challenge USADA and declined to exercise his last option by entering arbitration. He denied again that he took banned substances in his career, calling USADA's investigation a "witch hunt" without any physical evidence.

USADA said its evidence came from more than a dozen witnesses "who agreed to testify and provide evidence about their firsthand experience and/or knowledge of the doping activity of those involved in the USPS conspiracy," a reference to Armstrong's former U.S. Postal Service cycling team.

The unidentified witnesses said they knew or had been told by Armstrong himself that he had "used EPO, blood transfusions, testosterone and cortisone" from before 1998 through 2005, and that he had previously used EPO, testosterone and Human Growth Hormone through 1996, USADA said. Armstrong also allegedly handed out doping products and encouraged banned methods ? and used "blood manipulation including EPO or blood transfusions" during his 2009 comeback race on the Tour de France.

USADA chief executive Travis Tygart described the investigation as a battle against a "win-at-all-cost culture," adding that the International Cycling Union was "bound to recognize our decision and impose it."

Fans defended Armstrong on Twitter, insisting his work with Livestrong trumps what he accomplished on a bike. His success helped sell millions of "Livestrong" yellow plastic bracelets as he promoted cancer awareness and research. He's raised nearly $500 million since the Lance Armstrong Foundation started in 1997.

On Friday alone, the foundation said it received 400 donations that totaled around $75,000.


AP Sports Writer Jim Vertuno in Texas contributed.


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Report: Nissan to Export Datsun Cars to Africa

What?s old is new again: earlier this year, Nissan announced that it would be reviving the Datsun brand name for emerging markets. Now, a new report states that Datsun won?t be limited to Asia: there?s a good chance the name will also be expanded to cover African markets as well.

Nissan is hoping to get a slice of the pie in Africa?s emerging markets, where there is a growing middle class. Right now, its cheapest offering is the Micra hatchback that sells for the equivalent of about $13,000, says Bloomberg. Indian and Chinese automakers Tata and Geely have already begun to make inroads into the low-cost African car market thanks to their expertise in the segment in Asia.

With Datsun, Nissan is looking to do the same. As of now, the new cheap-car brand is slated only for India, Indonesia, and Russia. What Datsun?s new range will consist of has yet to be detailed, but if it is looking to enter the African market, company officials will need to keep engineering and manufacturing costs down. Bloomberg reports that 40 percent of the population in Africa still lives on roughly $3 a day, and Geely?s entry-level LC retails for around $11,000.

Nissan is also planning on doubling its African production in the next four years ? the company currently produces about 90,000 units on the continent, 50,000 of which are built in South Africa.

Source: Bloomberg


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Friday, August 24, 2012

These Batman Mimobot Flash Drives Are The USB-Drives-Gotham-Needs-Them-To-Be Deal of the Day [Dealzmodo]

USB is just the best thing ever. You can stick pretty much anything into those little drives and get something amazing. Whether lighting up my world, cooling down my face or even charging my iPhone, is there anything USB can't do? These days it seems like the USB Flash Drive has actually sort of fallen behind. I mean, it's a staple of any moderate computer user, but do we really care what it looks like? Some people just have terribly ugly ones. I have an old USB drive I've kept in my backpack for 5 years that still contains some pretty important files. Well, these themed Mimobot Flash Drives are not settling for anything less than adorable. You can customize them in any number of different characters, including the caped crusader. Get your favorite one now for 40% off. More »


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Microsoft?s Xbox Live gets political with election portal

Election Day may still be more than two months away, but Microsoft announced some efforts today to get more young people informed about this upcoming election. And their medium of choice to convey this message? Xbox, of course.

Sorry, but you won?t be able to vote for Master Chief.

?Election 2012? on Xbox Live?will be an ?immersive and interactive experience,? filled with election-related content including live broadcasts of presidential debates; voter registration info; open forums and town halls; data on the candidates and their positions on important topics; and more.

One of the largest Xbox events on the campaigns will be the ?Conversations with the Next Generation? live town halls developed with The Atlantic and National Journal. The town halls will be moderated by NBC News correspondents Chuck Todd (he of the sad facial hair) and Chelsea Clinton. Xbox Live users can view these town hall events, which will take place during the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., on Aug. 29, and the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., on Sept. 5, both from 2:30-4:30 p.m. ET/11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. PT.

Xbox Live users can continue to follow the election noise until Nov. 6. The ongoing coverage will include opinion polls of Xbox users and full coverage of election night. Users will also be able to rate the candidates? performances during live debates in real time and see how their other Xbox brethren respond. We can see the comments already: ?Mitt, alien or robot? You decide.?

Ready to get your election on? Election 2012 on Xbox LIVE coverage kicks off for Xbox 360 owners on Monday, Aug. 27.


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