Wednesday, May 30, 2012

fletcher - Storm Windows ? A Useful Home Improvement Project ...

B? Sylvie Strong

It ?? n? doubt th?t saving money ?? ?n everyone?s mind. It m?? b? b?????? ?f ?n economic crisis ?r simply a limited budget. People d? ?t ???r? day. Improving ???r home?s energy efficiency ?? ???t one ?f th? many things ??? ??n d? t? save money. Read ?n ?nd learn h?w installing storm windows ??n h?l? ??? d? th??.

Storm windows, ?? th? name suggests, ?r? specifically designed n?t t? br??k during extreme weather conditions. It ?? th? more modern alternative solution t? wooden shutters. N? need t? worry ?b??t flying debris wh??h ??n prove hazardous t? ?ll occupants. At l???t w?th th?? add-?n installed, ??? h??? more confidence ?n th? safety ?nd security ?f ???r ?wn home.

Wh?l? th?? m?? n?t b? designed f?r energy efficiency, a storm window ?l?? helps ?n th?? purpose. S?m? studies h??? shown th?t ?t improves th? air flowing ?n ?nd out ?f a window. Th?? effect ?n turn helps ?n insulating ???r home?s interior. Proper insulation means ??? d? n?t h??? t? spend ?? much money f?r heating ?nd cooling.

Th?r? ?? a wide variety ?f storm windows wh??h ??n b? used f?r virtually ?n? existing window. Y?? want t? ?h???? one th?t ?? compatible t? ???r window. Depending ?n wh?t effect ??? want t? g? f?r, th?r? ?r? several materials t? ?h???? fr?m.

Plastics ?r? th? ideal ?h???? ?f ??? ?r? ?n a tight budget. Th??? ?r? relatively inexpensive ?nd ?l?? ideal f?r apartment units. Th??? ?r? ?l?? less prone t? breaking th?n th??r glass counterparts. H?w???r, those belonging ?n th? lower range m?ght ?nl? last f?r one season.

Glass panes ?r? ???r best bet ?f ??? want a more permanent solution. Expect a longer life span ?nd better visibility w?th th?? option. On th? ?th?r hand, ??? h??? t? remember th?t th??? ?r? ?l?? fragile ?nd m?? br??k under th? r?ght conditions. Th? g??d news ?? th?t ??m? manufacturers offer tempered glass wh??h ?? stronger th?n regular glass.

Plexiglass form th? middle ground between th??? two window types. Th?? type ?f material ?? th? best compromise ?nd combines th? best ?f both worlds. L?k? plastics, th??? ?r? lightweight, more resistant t? breaking ?nd easy t? install. Better visibility ?nd longer ??? ?r? properties taken fr?m glass windows. Th? b?d news ?? th?t ?t ?? prone t? scratching.

Wh?n ??? ?h???? t? h??? a storm window installed, ??? h??? th? option ?f fitting ?n interior ?r exterior one. Interior panels ?r? easy t? install ?nd remove wh??h m?k?? ?t ideal f?r homes w?th more th?n one floor. Th??? ?l?? require less maintenance ??n?? th?? ?r? n?t exposed t? th? elements. Exterior mounts ?n th? ?th?r hand ?r? a more permanent solution.

Whatever option ??? ?h????, consider th? amount ?f protection ??? need. Insulation ?? something t? th?nk ?b??t ?? well. Of course, wh? ??n forget budget?

Storm windows ?r? ?n ????ll?nt home improvement project. Th? long-term benefits ?r? ??rt??nl? worth th? cost. Visit ???r local hardware store ?r home improvement center f?r more information ?b??t installing storm windows. Th?r? ?r? ?l?? ????ll?nt resources online t? find out more information ?b??t storm windows ?nd f?r gr??t deals.

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